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Plexus Bio Cleanse

Reducing Inflammation

Many people suffer with inflammation. When there is toxic waste in our Gastrointestinal (GI) tract and arteries, the body can feel:


  • Tired

  • Achy

  • Bloated

  • Lethargic

  • Sickly


Bio Cleanse is a gentle, daily cleanse that allows our bodies to excrete these toxins so we can start feeling better.


Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner, proved that cancer cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment. Bio Cleanse creates a cancer-fighting environment in the body by oxygenating the entire body.


Most of us have either been on a week-long or multi-week cleanse or at least heard of someone who has.  Bio Cleanse is a gentle, daily cleanse that scrubs the intestines and colon a little bit every day, giving you the result of an official cleanse, without the misery of actually “doing a cleanse.” As a result, weight loss can occur just from the release of accumulated debris and fecal matter that has built up over time in the intestines and colon.  This consistent flushing of accumulated waste results in regular bowel movements and the elimination of constipation, diarrhea, or both.


Since our bodies don’t make magnesium, and since magnesium doesn’t really exist in our food or water supply anymore, our bodies require some type of magnesium from an external source. Bio Cleanse contains 380 mg of magnesium hydroxide (up to 20 times what other supplements contain) which is magnesium tied to oxygen. When Vitamin C is added to that (like in Bio Cleanse), it is gentle on our bodies and it’s easier to absorb. We can't over-consume magnesium; our body will just stop absorbing it when it has enough, so there's no danger in having so much daily.


Bio Cleanse was designed to reduce inflammation, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and arteries, support weight loss by eliminating stubborn fecal residue, and support collagen production. It also relieves occasional constipation. Whole body oxygenation is another goal of Bio Cleanse. The result is a naturally energized body.


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