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Plexus Pro Bio 5

Increase Gut Health

Most people think of this product as "just a probiotic," but they are mistaken. The main goal of Pro Bio 5 is to kill of the majority of the Candida in the body and to flush out necrotic matter. It is a four-in-one product consisting of:

  • FIVE different strains of probiotics containing 4 billion healthy bacteria per average dose

  • An enzyme to break through the hard Candida shell

  • An anti-fungal – because Candida is part yeast and part fungus, and also to kill 24 other common fungi that inhibit weight loss and affect overall wellness

  • A digestive enzyme to help digest food more completely and allow the body to assimilate more nutrients.


The result is that the battle between the good bacteria (from the probiotic) and the bad yeast (Candida) is finally put into a proper balance - with Candida on the losing team.


Unlike most probiotics that contain one or two different strains of healthy bacteria, Pro Bio 5 contains FIVE different strains of healthy bacteria. Also unlike some probiotics, Pro Bio 5 contains no sugar. It is freeze-dried and not heat-sensitive, so there is no need for refrigeration - that also means that the good bacteria has a much higher survival rate because it is not dying as soon as it comes into contact with the high temperatures of the human body.

Candida will never be 100% eliminated because our body needs it on some level – just not in the hyped-up overdose level we see in our culture. This three-in-one product replenishes internal flora to its proper balance and keeps Candida contained to a healthy percentage.


Any other probiotic that claims to actually kill Candida should also discuss Candida die-off – a real thing that has temporary symptoms of its own. Two hallmark symptoms of Candida die-off are headaches and increased joint pain.  Candida die-off is a great way for you to know that Pro Bio 5 is truly winning the battle. Chances are that you've taken a probiotic before, but have you ever FELT it working?

What is Candida?

An overgrowth of Candida Albicans is the source of a significant array of gut health symptoms. Since birth, each of our bodies have contained Candida yeast. That yeast stays in our bodies throughout our lives. The purpose of this yeast is to decompose our bodies when we die. In and of itself, Candida is not a bad thing, but when you consider what our modern culture consumes (sugar, junk food, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners), then you might get your first clue regarding the cause of the problem: Candida loves sugar, among other things. The more sugar you consume, the more you feed the yeast. The more you feed the yeast, the stronger the yeast-beast gets. Eventually, the Candida beast in our body starts issuing demands for more yeast-friendly fuel which we call "cravings."

By putting the yeast back in the corner where it belongs (20% bad bacteria, 80% good bacteria), our bodies are able to resolve a SIGNIFICANT amount of issues. (Just Google "Candida symptoms" and you'll see what I mean!) Once those issues are resolved, the body begins to thrive, sugar and carb cravings are either eliminated or back under control, and healthy food cravings emerge.



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