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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What ingredients are in Plexus?

A: Plexus is made with all-natural, vegetarian-friendly, non-GMO ingredients from gluten-free, organically-minded sources. Only two products have caffeine, and they are not part of the five products that we recommend. Read this PDF for a complete list of each ingredient in each product.


Q: What lifestyle changes will I need to make?

A: The only change you will need to make is to make sure that you are drinking 8-16 eight-ounce glasses of water PER DAY (depending on your body size) (roughly 2-4 liters of water). Fat and toxins flush with water, so if you’re not drinking water, you’re not getting rid of your fat or toxins. Unreleased toxins can result in a lot of headaches. Drinking from a water bottle or from a large cup with a straw makes this step easier. (Note: Your Pink Drink counts as part of this amount.) Obviously, the sooner you eat healthier foods and the sooner you are able to exercise, the faster the weight loss, but dietary changes and exercise are not required.

Q: Can men use these products?

A: Of course! The main 5 products are successfully used by men, women (even pregnant women!), and children. Some of the other products are not suitable for pregnant women nor children.


Q: Is Plexus diabetic-friendly?

A: Absolutely! Although Plexus Slim helps everyone stabilize their blood sugar, it was specifically designed with diabetics in mind. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics have been delighted by their lowered A1C and significantly decreased need for insulin.


Q: Is Plexus safe for Celiacs?

A: Yes! Plexus is completely safe for Celiacs - even those with extreme Celiac sensitivity.


Q: How is the Pink Drink (Plexus Slim) sweetened and colored?

A: Plexus Slim is sweetened with Stevia and luo-han-guo fruit extract.  It is colored with beet extract.


Q: Can Plexus be taken after gastric bypass surgery?

A: Yes! There are many known gastric bypass patients who are successfully using Plexus.


Q: I am unable to swallow pills. Can I still take Plexus?

A: Yes! Some people struggle against their gag-reflex when they swallow pills. If you're one of those people, just empty your capsules into a cup of juice, stir it well, and drink your Plexus with your juice.


Q: What does the Pink Drink taste like?

A: The Pink Drink tastes a lot like a cherry Tootsie Pop. If you're not a fan of cherry, you can add fresh lemon to your Pink Drink and it will taste more like fruit punch. If you're still not a fan of either of those, you can buy some empty capsules at a health food store and put the Pink Drink granules into one or two capsules and take them in capsule form. Just make sure to drink 8-12 ounces of water with your Pink Drink capsules.


Q: I'd like to use Plexus for weight loss, but I've dieted before and I always gain the weight back. Is Plexus really that different?

A: Plexus has helped many people lose weight. Unlike traditional diets, Plexus has an incredibly high success rate for maintaining the weight loss.  The reason for this is because of how traditional diets work and how Plexus works. 


Traditional diets (and exercise programs) focus on getting rid of fat - which is good, right? Not from the body's perspective. The problem is that fat surrounds toxins in the body as a type of buffer. As the fat is burned, the toxins are exposed. The more fat that is burned, the greater the dose of concentrated toxins in the body. As soon as the dieting or exercising ends, the body does everything it can to safely encapsulate the toxins with fat again, and the dieter often regains the weight they worked so hard to lose. The diet industry loves that most people don't understand this phenomena because they get repeat customers indefinitely.


One of the benefits of Plexus is that it gets rid of bodily toxins. As weight is lost and toxins are exposed, Plexus escorts the toxins out of the body. When the fat AND toxins are released, there is no longer an excessive abundance of toxins in the body, so the body does not need to frantically re-create fat. The result is sustainable weight loss. Click here for a visual explanation of this concept.


Q: I was disappointed to see Citric Acid in the ingredient list. Why would that be included in a Plexus product?

A: The food industry likes to take certain types of mold and let them grow on genetically modified corn. Then they harvest the result and use it as a food preservative. Bleh! 


Conversely, the creator of Plexus Slim decided to use the citric acid from organically grown lemons, limes, and oranges. This is the old-school way of getting citric acid, and it is an excellent source for use as a natural preservative and flavor enhancer.


Q: What if I try the products and I truly don't like them?

A: If you do the Plexus protocol like we outline, we would be shocked if you're truly dissatisfied. The only people we've seen who are dissatisfied with Plexus are those who quit during Candida die-off (because of the temporary unpleasant symptoms). Quitting during Candida die-off is like quitting an exercise program when your muscles hurt (especially during the first few weeks). By quitting the exercise program, your temporary pain will go away, but the end result of being healthy and fit will never be achieved. The same is true with Plexus. With that said, there is a 60-day money-back guarantee. Shop with confidence!


Q: How long will Candida die-off last?

A: The duration of the internal battle to put Candida back in its proper rank is dependent on your body and your life choices up to this point. An Olympic athlete (yes, they use Plexus, too) might have mild Candida die-off symptoms for one or two days while an overweight 50-year-old might experience much stronger symptoms off and on for a few weeks.


Some people elect to cut back on their Pro Bio 5 (to half a dose) during Candida die-off to ease the symptoms. Others do a double dose of Pro Bio 5 during die-off (purchasing an additional bottle) to plow through it. Once your Candida is under control, your body can truly thrive, so push through the die-off and look forward to great results!


Q: Why do our bodies even have Candida?

A: The primary purpose of Candida is to help our bodies decompose when they die (like how mushrooms can appear on a fallen tree when it's in the process of being decomposed).

Q: There are other Plexus products. Would I need to take those, too?

A. The other Plexus products are available as-needed. Just start with the main 5 products and add any other products that are unique to your scenario. For example:

  • If you need an on-the-go protein meal replacement option, then by all means, feel free to add Plexus 96 to your order.

  • If you suffer from nerve damage due to an auto-immune disease, you should certainly add Plexus Nerve to help with that. (In fact, we recommend a triple dose of Plexus Nerve during the first month to help jump-start your body into healing mode, and then one bottle each month thereafter). Nerves heal at a rate of about one inch (2.5 cm) per month, so depending on the severity of your condition, your body may take quite a while to heal itself.

  • If you have a lot of joint pain or if you feel that the Candida die-off side-effect of joint pain might be too much for you, consider adding a bottle of Plexus Ease to your order.

  • If you have a lot of weight to lose, you could benefit from using Accelerator + for a few months to push your body into weight-loss mode. (Accelerator + is not meant to be used long-term. It does have caffeine in it.)

  • If you have a massive candida overgrowth (as evidenced by a creamy white tongue, intense carb cravings, or a major auto-immune disease, you may consider using two bottles of Pro Bio 5 each month (doubling the dose) to work through the Candida die-off faster. An alternative would be to use half the recommended Pro Bio 5 dose so that the die-off symptoms are not so strong.

  • If you still consume a lot of carbs, you could benefit from using Plexus Block. This product inhibits the absorption of starches and sugars by up to 48%. Unlike the carb-absorption blockers of the '90s, the use of this product does not cause bloating or gas.

  • If you want to increase your energy and endurance for a workout, you should consider Plexus Boost.

​Q: How long will it take to receive my products?

A: This is a hard question to answer specifically, but as a general rule, most people receive their products within 5 to 6 days.


Q: Is Plexus an MLM? Isn't Multi Level Marketing bad or illegal?

A: Some people get a little scared when they hear "Multi Level Marketing" or "MLM" because they erroneously associate MLMs with Pyramid Schemes. MLMs are not Pyramid Schemes; they are a legitimate form of business. Dave Ramsey, who teaches people how to manage their money wisely, is a supporter of Multi Level Marketing (just Google: "dave ramsey mlm" and see for yourself).


We've thought a lot about the Plexus products potentially being sold in any other way. Truthfully, if we heard these claims on an infomercial, there's no way we'd buy Plexus! It's only through sharing personal testimonials that the credibility exists. Also, given the choice of spending $150 per month on these products by buying them at the store indefinitely vs spending $150 for one or two months and then getting them free indefinitely, we'd choose the free option. Consequently, we're happy that Plexus is an MLM and that so many people can benefit from either getting their products for free or benefit by actually having a ready-made business model they can use to jump-start their own career.


Unlike most MLMs, Plexus offers commission based off of your very first customer, and it just gets better from there, so if you're considering Plexus as a business opportunity, it is definitely a chance worth taking!


Q: How long would I have to take these products?

A: That's a tricky question. It's like asking, "How long would I need to exercise?" You can take these products until you feel your symptoms are resolved and then stop, or you can take these products for the rest of your life. Just like exercise, you'll only get the benefits of it when you experience it. Because of how natural these products are, there are zero withdrawal symptoms if you choose to stop consuming the products at any time; however, once you stop consuming them, you will also stop receiving the benefits of what the products offer.

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